Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birthday Dahlias

With the exception of last year, we often experience a killing frost during the first few weeks of October. While this early frost facilitates the digging up the the dahlia plants, it always made me sad to have the season end so soon. In particular, I miss having a birthday bouquet to enjoy on the 23rd. This year we dogged a bullet! The night of October 4th we hit a low of 32 degrees at our house. However, there was no visible frost on the ground and the bird baths didn't even have a skiff of ice on them. Right after that, our nighttime temperatures began to rise. Happily, the dahlias are still very much alive and pumping our blooms on the 23rd of October. 

"Cobequid Pinwheel"

"Happet Ideal"

These are my first two bloom of "Higgo Wonder". Last year, we had a frost before the plants bloomed at all.

It was definitely worth the wait. It is such a striking combination of purple and white.

"Joal Louisa"

"Chimicum Davi"

My first bloom of the year of "Jac's Julia".

"Pam Howden"

"Canoz Anne"

A partially opened bloom of "Hillcrest St. Charles", another late one.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh they are so stunning! You have so many varieties!
    The Dahlia season is just kicking off in the souther hemisphere with the shoots poking their heads up from the ground... Such an exciting time! I hope yours continue to flower for you!


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