Thursday, August 30, 2012

Signs of Fall

I took a walk around the property last night after dinner. Although the calendar still says Summer, there are unmistakable signs everywhere of Falls eminent arrival. The first few leaves on the Sweet Gums are starting to turn red.

Underneath the oak trees I found quite a few leaf galls. When we were little we called these pop balls. After they dry just a bit, they make a very satisfying "pop" sound when you step on them.

The bracken fern are beginning to turn golden yellow.

The apples in the volunteer trees are growing larger. This group has such a pretty red blush on the green fruit.

Even the poison oak is starting to change color! It turns to such a brilliant shade of red in the Fall. There will be no excuse for accidentally touching the leaves once they have turned fiery red.

The blackberry canes are getting loaded with ripe berries. I have had a lot of competition from the deer for the berries this year. They too love the juicy, sweet taste.

I found these pretty young fir cones in a Douglas Fir Tree. They look so much different than the hard, dark brown cones that you normally find fallen on the ground.


  1. Your photos are so pretty! I love autumn, but it is such sweet sorrow to say goodbye to summer. I too have seen the changes beginning in northern Illinois.

    Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Yes, fall is in the air. I did a similar walk around yesterday and grabbed a few last shots of my late blooming daylilies. The gourds are looking great and should be falling off soon.


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