The rudbeckia in the front flowerbed are really starting to shine. We have two different varieties and they both are doing well. The first variety is "rudbeckia triloba" commonly called brown-eyed susan. This plant is native to the Eastern united states and is a herbaceous biennial to a weak perennial. The plant height is 2-3 feet with a spread of 1 to 2 feet. This plant is in part distinguished from black-eyed Susan by having a more profuse bloom of smaller flowers that usually have fewer petals per flower-head. The basal leaves are often trifoliate.
Our plant is doing really well this year, even with the occasional "haircut" it keeps receiving from the deer. It is just covered with blossoms right now.
The second variety of rudbeckia that we have growing is "rudbeckia missouriensis", the Missouri Coneflower. Daisylike flowers with yellow petals and black center disks on branched stems. The narrow green leaves are conspicuously hairy. Blooms for many weeks in July and August and is a good cut flower. It grows to 2-3 feet with a spread of 12-18". It is hardy from zones 3-8. Missouri Coneflower has been found in only a few counties in southern Illinois and it is considered rare and state-listed as 'endangered.' This wildflower is found primarily in hilly areas of Arkansas and Missouri; in neighboring states, it is rare. Habitats consist of hill prairies, limestone and dolomite glades, and barren scrubby savannas in upland areas.While less popular than other rudbeckia, it is often cultivated in nurseries.
While our climate is very different than the mid-west, our clump is doing very well.
I was so jealous when I saw these pics the other day, that I went out and finally bought myself one! :)