Saturday, July 28, 2012

The "Sugar 'n Spice" Sweet Peas

Good things do come to those who wait. Back on March 31st, I planted two shallow saucers with a "new-to-me" Sweet Pea. "Sugar 'N Spice" is a low growing sweet pea, perfect for pots or hanging baskets. I pre-soaked the seeds and they germinated in about 10 days. Then the next time I looked the birds had successfully pulled up about half of my tiny young plants. I pulled the pots off the sidewalk and set them back up under the covered porch. There they have sat and now, 4 months later, we have some blooms!

Just as described on the packet, I have pinks, purples, violets and bi-colors. The only one I am missing, so far, is white.

I am also pleased to report that they have the lovely, strong scent that you would expect from traditional climbing sweet peas. You just have to bend down to smell them!

These two pots won't make the cover of any gardening magazine but I am glad to have them.

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