Monday, June 18, 2012

The Sunflowers Are In

Tonight I planned to finish planting my sunflower seedlings beneath the protective hoop tunnel. I had all of the seed trays spread out on the walkway today, soaking up what sunshine there was available. As I looked over my seedling trays I had the able assistance of Padma - right in the middle of everything!

All of these seeds were planted on May 28th - exactly three weeks ago. These "Ring of Fire" sunflowers look great. They are all stocky, strong plants with really striking red stems. They also have really nicely developed root systems. You can see in the above picture a long white root that has pushed out of the bottom of the middle front peat pot. It's time to get them in the ground. So tonight they joined the "Giant Primrose" sunflowers underneath the remay tunnel.

A close-up of the the "Ring of Fire" plants.

The other seedling are doing fine too. I didn't get very good germination with the "Blue Pointe" Zinnia seed but I was using some older seed. I should still have plenty of plants for a nice row.

The "Frances's Choice" marigold seed germinated very well. The new seedlings are a beautiful burgundy color. It looks like the first true leaves, which are just starting to form, will be a vibrant green.

The "Russian Pickling" cucumbers also look great. They are also just forming their first true leaf. It won't be long before I will need to get them transplanted into the kitchen garden.

1 comment:

  1. Oh those Kit-Kats have to be right in the middle of everything!

    Your seedlings look good. Happy Planting!!


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