Another beautiful day today. We hit a high of 80 degrees. After work I decided that it was time to take off the remay that had been protecting the radish bed and the onions. I also went through the whole garden and weeded. The garden looked so much better after all of my work.
The radish are definitely big enough now that I don't need to worry about the birds pulling them out.
The "Plum Purple" radish are starting to size up and are such a pretty shade of purple.
The largest two varieties in the radish bed are the "Cherry Belle" & the "Early Scarlet Globe". In fact I can't really tell much of a size difference between the two. Both are ready for some early picking.
The garlic row continues to amaze me. The plants just keep getting taller and the stalks thicker. I still haven't seen any sign yet of garlic scapes protruding from the hard-neck variety Chesnook Red".
My onion row was ready for the remay to come off as well. The red "Mars" onion plants had already reached the top of the tunnel. As you can see in the above picture, the "Mars" plant on the right is larger than the "Frontier" onion on the left. It will be interesting to see if this growth trend continues. I don't recall my "Prince" onions being substantially smaller than the "Mars" plants the last two years.
Here's a close-up of a "Mars" onion.
And a similar shot of a "Frontier" plant.
The "Blauschokker" Purple Pod Pea plants have really started to heavily bloom. Lovely!
I also thinned my radish bed. While many of the seedling I pulled were too small to keep, a few of the radish were almost full size. I washed those up and voila - the first harvest of the year! .7 oz. of home grown goodness.
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