Today I accomplished one of the gardening tasks that was on my "need-to-finish" list. In a four hours marathon, with a break for lunch, I finished potting up all of my dahlia tubers. Wow- that's a lot of 1-gallon pots! I am still in denial and haven't done a complete count. In a normal year, I like to plant 200 dahlias. With that amount, I can transplant them into the big garden in a two week push, working every day. I can also generally dig-up 200 dahlias over the span of 4 weekends in late October & November. But this year isn't a normal year. This year the Portland Dahlia Society is hosting the National Dahlia Show on Labor Day weekend. It's very rare to be so close to a National Show. So, as I potted up my tubers, I chose to keep 4 of many varieties, instead of 2. The end result is I have 240 potted tubers plus another 12 tubers in the "infirmary" area. Yes, it looks like the garden will have right around 250 dahlias this year. Yikes!
Holy cow Lexa! That's nuts! I keep walking around with number six in its pot, trying to find a place to fit it in. Over 200 is insane! I can't WAIT to see pictures of all the blooms!