Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Sights of Mid-October

Today was the first day in October that we didn't get any measurable rainfall. Finally, a sunny warm October day to enjoy. After work I took a quick walk around the property. The berries on the Wild Honeysuckle just glow like jewels right now.

The split-leaf "wild" blackberries are attaining some great Fall color

The Wild roses hips are also lovely right now.

And here are the leaves on the "wild" Himalayan Blackberries.

We have found one "wild" apple tree on our property. It is growing in the shade and is very tall and scrawny as it attempts to find some sunlight. It is loaded with apples this year and the sheer weight of them has bent it over. I haven't ever eaten one the the apples but might have to give it a try this year since they are within reach. I imagine that they aren't a very good eating quality but they certainly are pretty with a beautiful red blush over their yellow/green skin.


  1. I never knew that wild honeysuckle had berries? I guess the birds must eat them before I catch a glimps of them!
    The rain has stopped and our temps are to dip into the 30's tonight. We might start to get a little color on the trees now, I hope!
    I wonder if the apples from your little tree, while perhaps they might not be delicious eating apples, might make great pies!
    Here's hoping they do! ;~D

  2. They might be good baking apples! We have a big apple tree that was here when we moved here. Totally not worth eating fresh but they bake up - including apple butter - very nicely.


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