Friday, September 23, 2011

The First Day of Autumn

Today marks the the First day of Fall with the arrival of the Autumn Equinox. It is a little hard to believe since today's high temperature pushed close to 90 degrees. We have enjoyed an entire week of 85 degree+ temperatures and if it wasn't for the shorter days, and long shadows brought by the sun's lower path, you could easily think it was still July.

I spent tonight getting ready for the last dahlia show of the season. I picked blooms right after work and then got busy with the staging. I managed to pull together 12 entries for this week. I might have had more, but the bright sun and hot weather this week really wrecked havoc on the red dahlias in particular. The front of the blooms looked fine but the backs were really faded and drooping.

I was pleased to have another triple entry to take this week. It is ironic though that the entry is of "Weston Spanish Dancer". It was the Flower of the Year at last week's show and I didn't have even a single bloom to take. But this week, 3 nice blooms!

I am really happy to have a beautiful entry of "Colwood Hope" a B sized White Lacinited form. I was given 2 cuttings from a dahlia friend this Spring who didn't have any more room left in her garden! Both plants have opened their first blooms this week and I picked the best of the two to show this weekend. I also have another nice "Dagmar" to bring. But if I was a betting gal, I think my best chance for a Head Table bloom this weekend is with my single bloom of "Valley Porcupine" a pink Double Novelty form. Ironically - again - I didn't even purchase this tuber but was given it as a free "thank-you" for an order I placed. Go figure. We shall see what happens tomorrow!

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