Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update

As August draws to a close, the vegetable garden is bursting with foliage, flowers, and produce. My two varieties of morning glories are really peaking now. The tower of "Mixed Colors" morning glory is completely covered. I am finally seeing a nice mix, every day, of all three colors after having had only white blooms for some time.

The "Heavenly Blue" morning glory is just starting its show. I am now getting 10+ blooms a day of this amazing, electric blue color.

The onions have had a super year. The tops are beginning to fall over on their own; although a few have been pulled over by the squash! I really should knock over all of the tops and let them start to cure while the weather is still warm and dry.

I think the "Prince" yellow storage onions are even larger this year then they were last year.

And the "Red Bull" have done just as well.

It's difficult to tell what kind of success I am having - or not having - with the two sweet potato plants. The "Georgia Jet" plant, pictured below, has completely filled its black grow bag. The foliage seems healthy and remarkable lush for the mostly cool Summer that we have had. I just don't know what I will find beneath the soil!

I have one nice "Gypsy" sweet pepper on my plant. It didn't enjoy this cold Summer and I am sure it also didn't care to be smothered by the Winter Squash and Morning Glory vines either!

The tomatoes continue to grow but I still am not seeing any color hinting that ripening is on the horizon. My "Black Krim" are attaining a nice size.

And the "Black Prince" look good too. They have an interesting blocky shape.

The winter squash are trying to take over the whole garden! It amazes me every year how much growth they put out. This year it's all the more incredible since I only have 4 plants total, instead of the usual 8.

My new rooster had been trapped in a sea of squash leaves - he doesn't look happy.

Right now I have three "Marina di Chioggia" squash growing on the vines. They are attaining a pretty good size too. I would guess they might be in the 10 pound range. This is a new variety for me and it has been fun watching how the squash matures. As you can see below, in its "mid-stage" it is a very pretty medium green and the outer skin is still fairly smooth.

As it ages it is getting more and more "warty" and the skin is getting darker and darker. Stay tuned!

You have to pull up the leaves on the two "Delicata" plants to even see the young squash. I think that I now have a half-dozen set and growing. If September favors us with sunny and dry weather I hope to be able to harvest a dozen or more.

The vegetable garden. A lush sea of green!


  1. Wow! Everything looks so good. Love that winter squash too.

  2. What beautiful pictures and a lovely garden! I have blue-purple morning glory that reseed each year with no help on my part, and they have been blooming for a few weeks now. I am still waiting for my 'Heavenly Blue's' to bloom, and looking forward to it because of the incredible color. I've grown 'Gypsy' peppers as well--they tend to ripen early so are a good choice if you have a short growing season like me. The onions and squash look fantastic! I have only just gotten my first few ripe tomatoes, and have gobs of green ones.


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