Monday, August 15, 2011

Azoychka Tomatoes - First Tomato Harvest of the Year

This weekend I was watering and generally fussing with my tomato plants. I was admiring all of the green tomatoes that I have on all seven plants and wondering when I would finally be able to harvest one. Imagine my surprise when I bent down and looked back into the "Azoychka" plant and saw some glowing orange in amongst all of the green. Staring at me were two ripe tomatoes just waiting to be discovered and picked.

"Azoychka" is a Russian heirloom reportedly found at the Moscow Bird Market. This indeterminate plant does well in both cool and warmer climates. It is stated to produce an abundance - 30 to 40 - orange/yellow tomatoes  per plant in 68-78 days. I chose this new-to-me variety this Spring since we were having record cold temperatures and rainfall. And it seems to have been a good choice. It was my first variety to set and not surprisingly, the first variety to to mature. These two fruit weighted 5.50 oz and 5.58 oz and were pretty blemish free for an heirloom. I am anxious to hear what my taste testers think about its flavor.


  1. Congratulations on your first harvest. Never heard of this type of tomato. I love the color. I'll add it to my list of possibilities next season.

  2. Those are nice looking tomatoes. I've never heard of that variety, either! =)

  3. Congrats on you first tomatoes of the season! They are beautiful! I'm anxious to hear the taste reviews also!


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