Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Soggy, Damp, Wet!

It's hard to believe but we received another .4" of rain today. It did stop by late afternoon and this evening the sun was making an appearance. It has been days since I made it down to the big garden, so I strolled down for a look after dinner. Sigh. It was depressing down there. So very, very wet. I could stand still on the lawn and actually hear the water seeping into the ground. I had two holes dug in the garden where I hadn't yet planted dahlias. Both had at least an inch of standing water in the bottom. The ground is so saturated right now. I am concerned that the dahlias that I do have planted might have standing water near their roots. But here is nothing that I can now do but watch and wait.

As you can see, I am getting very close to having all of the dahlias in. Just this group left to plant. I should have finished up last weekend if the rains hadn't arrived.

The "Speckled Hound" Winter Squash all have male blooms that are open now. They don't have any female flowers yet so I don't have to worry about the rain washing away all of the pollen.

The "Hutterite Soup" bush beans are also trying their best. I would say about 1/3 of the seed hasn't germinated yet and I really don't expect that it ever will. I am afraid the seed has rotted in all of this cold and wet weather.

My flower rows are doing well. The plants have all settled in and are starting to put on quite a bit of new growth. Soon the rows will be defined enough that I can remove the stakes and string marking each row.

And here is a poor, wet bloom on a "Queen Sophia" Marigold that I started from seed. They are still in the trays that they were started in and the rain has caused many of the plants to dampen off. The stems are simply rotting at the point where they reach the soil. These natives of Mexico are having a pretty tough time with all of this wet weather.

1 comment:

  1. You all are getting soaked and we are dry, dry, dry!
    Frustrating year. Our water bill is going to be fun, but there's nothing that can be done for too much rain. :o(


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