Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday's Adventures

I woke up bright and early today ( thanks to Tom-Cat) and was down in the garden by 8:30 AM. It was a really nice morning to be down there. There was very little traffic going by, so I was able to enjoy the many bird song and doses of quiet. I got another 13 dahlias planted and then went back home to have a much needed bath! Beth joined me and we went into town to the Farmer's Market. I had my heart set on a big plate of breakfast scramble but Mazzi didn't bring the oven - drat! The market was jammed full of shoppers and a number of smaller booths already had a sold-out sign up. The flowers were really the stars of the day. The first Sunflowers of the year arrived and were featured in beautiful mixed bouquets and also solo. Nothing says Summertime to me like a Sunflower does. I miss not having planted any this year.

I also spied some Morning Glories. These were planted in a wicker basket and were climbing up a bamboo hoop. I am fair certain the variety is "Tye-Dye".

Cherries were also ever-present.

This booth offered six different varieties. You could by them separately or mix. How pretty!

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