Saturday, June 4, 2011

We've hit 80!

As promised , we had our first 80 degree day of the year today. Unfortunately, a high layer of clouds rolled in, so much of the day was humid and a bit uncomfortable. My goal for today was to finally finish potting up all of my dahlias. When I completed the job I did some counting. I have 188 potted tubers in this group. I also have 11 dahlia cuttings growing in the greenhouse and 10 or more iffy tubers potted up there as well. I should have between 205-210 dahlias in the ground when all is said and done this year. As of right now, 45 of the dahlias have pushed up through the soil and started to grow.

Here is a healthy young plant of "Tahoma Alicia" Miniature Ball in Dark Pink.

My goal for tomorrow is to get most of my vegetable bed planted. As you can see, the small greenhouse is bursting with vegetable and flower starts. It has been a real life-saver having the greenhouse to use this Spring. It has not only given the plants a warm environment to grown in but has also kept them safe from the deer.

And we got to end this first day of Summer-like weather with a glorious sunset.

1 comment:

  1. wow, that is a lot of dahlias! i hadn't realized how many you had when enjoying your bloom photos last year.
    All that and a veggie garden too....and deer to repel!


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