Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some more planting

It was an overcast but mild night tonight. After dinner I was able to work out in the vegetable bed. My first task was to finish filling my four grow bags with Nature's Best planting soil. Once that task was completed, I was able to do some planting. First off, I got the "Gypsy" & "Lilac" Sweet Peppers in their new home. Now they would just like the temperature outside to increase by about 30 degrees please!

Then I planted my "Beauregard" Sweet Potato. I still have one empty grow bag and hope to buy another variety of Sweet Potato at the Farmer's Market this Saturday.

The Winter Squash that I started from seed are really doing well. I hope to get them transplanted into the garden this weekend.

The "Marina di Chioggia" & "Speckled Hound" are really ready to get out of the pots and gain some more elbow room in the ground. The "Butternut" have also germinated well. Only the "Delicata" didn't produce well. I am wondering if the second planting of seed was also eaten by the mysterious greenhouse resident. I will have to pick-up another "Delicata" at the Farmer's Market too.


  1. I had a lot of no-shows this year from the seeds i planted. I don't have a greenhouse culprit though. I hope its not because my seeds are exhausted. Good thing we have a greenhouse nearby for backup seedlings.
    I'm trying Butternut this year, if it does not to well i will be trying Delicata next year. It has quite a reputation for deliciousness.

  2. Its all looking good. Havign never grown them, I'd be keen to see how your sweet potatoes grow.

    I also wanted to come by and say Thank you so much for your encouraging and kind comment on my blog recently. Really means a lot. Thank you. Kindest of wishes.


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