After work tonight we headed back down to the garden. With the recent dry weather, it was time to give the garden its second tilling. While Dad drove the tractor, I got busy planting my morning glories. I have collected quite a few over the last month and it was definitely time to get them into the ground. Quite a few had started climbing and wrapping around each other in the greenhouse. It took me some time to get them all untangled before I could get around to the planting. Now I just need to keep my fingers crossed that the bunny (?) who snipped off quite a few of the vines last year has moved away!
From left to right my varieties are: Sunrise Serenade, Split Personality, (2) Pastel Star Mix, Blue Star, (?) Blue Star, Grandpa Ott, Split Personality, Milky Way, Flying Saucer, & Pearly Gate.
I would love to know more about your greenhouse. I'm comtemplating buying one, but not sure what to buy. Thanks.