Friday, May 27, 2011

A Seedling Explosion

Even though it is rainy and cold outside, happily it is warm and pleasant inside the small greenhouse. It is here that my flats of flower and squash seedlings have been living off and on the past week. I am pleased to report that almost all of the flower seeds have germinated.

Here is a section of "Bling Bling" Zinnias.

This is the flat of marigolds. Since I have never grown marigolds from seed before I wasn't too sure what to expect. I have found that they are as easy as zinnias to grow from seed.

Here is a young "Durango" marigold plant. Many of the marigold seedlings have pretty red stems.

And I was really excited to find that the first three squash have emerged. All three are "Butternut" squash and I am pretty sure that all three are from seed that was planted the first time on May 18th and not eaten by the visiting rodent. It will probably take a few days longer for the rest of the seed, planted May 21st, to germinate.

1 comment:

  1. How about a shout-out to the greenhouse owner who is so kindly lending the use of the space without charging rent!


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