Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting the dahlias started and we finally hit 70!

Today was memorable to two reason. First off, we FINALLY hit 72 degrees today! The weather man reported that it was actually our second day over 70 this year, having hit 70 degrees on April 1st. Well, darn it, that was so long ago that I don't even remember it! Today was our first glorious, blue-skies and sunshine filled day. I was so anxious to get off work and get home. Once home, I started potting up my dahlia tubers. I haven't done a tuber count yet but I imagine that I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 200. I had hoped to begin doing this last weekend but too many other things got in the way. I managed to get 17 potted up tonight in the warm, setting sunshine. The cats were out helping me, the swallows were out swooping, and it felt so wonderful to be working outside in some warm sun once again.

1 comment:

  1. The weather has been crazy every where. I bet you enjoyed the warmer weather. I see that you started your winter squash. I just started mine the other day too!

    I hope that you have another warmer day to enjoy!


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