I had high hopes to get a lot done outside today. This was suppose to be the nicest day of the three day weekend and the weather forecast called for just a 20% chance of showers. Simply put, the forecasters were wrong! I worked outside potting up dahlias for about 40 minutes when it began to sprinkle. Within an hour it had turned to rain, which at time switched to downpours.
I was able to pot up about 25 more dahlias before getting chased inside for the day. I now have 160 tubers planted, plus 11 cuttings. I also have around 15 questionable tubers potted up, awaiting signs of a live eye sprout.
I am starting to get rewarded for my hard work with some dahlia shoots poking up through the soil. Among the first up are my four "Camano Concord" dahlias. This is a new variety for me that I am really excited about. It is a purple incurved cactus.
And things continue to germinate inside the warm greenhouse. As of today I have five Winter Squash up. These three "Butternut" are really looking healthy.
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