Today went by in a gardening blur! A good part of my day was spent down in the big garden. It was time to mow again and this time I mowed the back grass too. It was still pretty wet back there but some of the grass was almost as tall as I was. It was now or never! Unfortunately, it is still too wet in the garden to attempt a first tilling. A couple areas still have standing water in them and getting the tractor in at this point would do more damage than good. It is very frustrating and the 10-day forecast shows more rain on the way.
After I finished mowing I spent some time working on Dorothy's roses. I trimmed out all of the dead wood and tried to cut back all of the grass around the canes as best as I could. I was pleased to find that the big rose has at least three new shoots. I need to get some compost tea and Epsom salt and give the roses a boost. They are really suffering from black spot right now. They don't like this endless rain anymore than I do.
Across the street at Dorothy's former home, her grand old lilacs are in full bloom.
I wish you could smell through the computer screen their heavenly scent.
Lexa- lots of hard work! I love the lilacs.Living in So FLA, my three kids and I just moved indoors (the heat is increasing)and we are growing veggies, tomatoes, herbs, salad greens and flowers all year round and making some money too!
ReplyDeleteLook at my site and come grow with us!
I wish I could smell them through the screen too! My grandmother always had lilacs and I try to buy them whenever they come into season out here (we don't have the right climate to grow them).
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your garden!