Saturday, March 12, 2011

Packages in the Mailbox

Friday & today's mail has brought me brown envelops filled with my seed orders! So far I have received my orders from Renee's Garden, Baker Creek & The Cook's Garden. I was pleased to find in my Baker Creek order a free "thank-you" packet of "Parisienne" Carrots. I wasn't familiar with this variety so I checked out the description in the catalog. It says "small, round carrots that are so popular in France.Tender, orange globes are superb lightly steamed. Easy to grow even in heavy soils." That sounds perfect for me to try. Goodness knows that I have some heavy, clay soil!

Around dinnertime, we went to The Home & Garden Show at the Fairgrounds. As always there was a lot so see but we were most interested in the "garden" part of the Show. One of the vendor booths that I stopped at was Nichols Garden Nursery out of Albany Oregon.They had 4 spinning display racks filled with vegetable & flower seeds. Even though I absolutely do not need anymore seeds for this years garden, I still ended up buying one more! "Small Wonder Spaghetti" Squash is a small, 1-2 person serving size variety, otherwise similar to the traditional, larger Spaghetti Squash. I first learned of this variety last year from Villager at Our Happy Acres. He grew it last year and really liked the smaller size for he & his wife. I made a mental note of it and when I saw it today..well what was I to do!?


  1. I have not ordered from Nichols in years- but i loved what i got from them back then. I think it was white sage assorted annual flowers and such.

    I can't walk past a seed rack without looking. Some women like jewelery, i guess i like seeds! Ok i like jewelery too, but it just gets muddy ;o)

    I have never grown spaghetti squash, i have bought it from the grocery store but never ended up doing much with it. Maybe if i grow it myself i might appreciate it more.
    Those carrots sound good too.

  2. What were you to do? Buy, buy, buy again!


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