Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday at the Farmer's Market

The last two weekends I have been out of town, so today was my first chance in quite a while to visit the Saturday Farmer's Market. And what changes there have been, not only in the calendar but with the produce available. Right as we arrived I spotted "the corn pickup truck"- a sure sign of late Summer in Oregon.

And the Winter Squash have arrived ! You know my love of these - both for their taste and their beauty.

Two varieties of Pears at this stand.

Berry baskets full of mixed varieties of cherry tomatoes.

Two kinds of watermelon. These small varieties have a better chance of maturing in our climate.

There were mounds and mounds of peppers at each stall.

I was excited to find this rare french "Charantais" cantaloupe for sale. I bought one for dad to try.

Besides the more common fruits and vegetables that are normally available, it is always exciting to find the new "crops" that Farmers are trying out each year. This stand had two different kinds of hops for sale. Calling all home brewers!

These were lovely stalks of lemon grass.

And how about this amazing yellow oyster mushroom!

Two different stands had fresh Figs for sale.

And finally, it wouldn't be the Farmer's Market without beautiful bouquets of seasonal flowers.

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