Monday, July 12, 2010


Each Spring we are fortunate to have swallows return to our area sometime in March. The first day that you hear their familiar chirp, and then tilt you head back and find them high in the sky, always is special. Every year it seems that their numbers increase and the battles over housing escalate. In response, we keep buying birdhouses and putting them up. We have 6 up this year and 5 were claimed. The newest swallow house was hung at the front of our house and can be viewed up close on the staircase landing. The indoor cats quickly discovered this and have greatly enjoyed "swallow tv" this year.

Here is an up close picture of that house. As you can see, the chicks in it have hatched. I caught this little guy waiting for one of the parents to return with some food.

This house is also hanging on the front of our house, at the opposite end from the green swallow house. It also is full of hungry chicks.

This house hangs on the side of our house, directly over one of the garage doors. The noise and cars don't seem to bother the swallows at all.

This house is also on the east end of our house. While you can't see anyone inside of it, each time the parents return with food it erupts with noise.

This house hangs on the shop building. It was the first house we ever put up and has hosted a family every year. If you look closely you can make out the chick in the entrance hole.

This year we are fortunate to have a pair of Barn Swallows. They initially tried to make their home in both garages but we asked them to look elsewhere! They finally picked one of the pillars the back patio. Over about two weeks they slowly hauled in mud and grass and built up their amazing nest. Their chicks just hatch a week or so ago. We have spied 3 bald little heads poking up when the parents return.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute and really special! Thanks for sharing... I love keeping tabs on all the bird goings ons around here too.


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