Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Look who came home with me....

Today Beth & I went to the Tuesday Farmers Market for lunch. The weather actually became nicer as we were in town. The clouds mostly dissipated and it became warm and muggy. After lunch I wanted to stop by Down to Earth to pick up a ceramic pot. After I found the perfect pot, I wandered over to the greenhouse. Once inside, I was attacked by the above two vegetable starts! I have always wanted to try "Patty Pan" Summer Squash. And I know, I do not need another tomato, especially because I already own 4 tomatoes that haven't even made it in the ground yet! Yes, I know. But then I read the description on the tag for "Moonglow" ; Gorgeous, brilliant orange globe-shaped 6-8 oz fruit have fantastic sweet-tart flavor & smooth texture. Perfect for fresh eating or making a beautiful, unusual sauce. Heavy yields, good keeper. Into my cart it jumped!

Then, instead of wisely heading to the cash-register, I wandered over to the Climbers & Vines. Danger! Ever since I started my infatuation with Morning Glories last Summer, I have been looking for new, interesting varieties to try this year. Bingo! So , into my cart went "Scarlett O'hara" ; Magenta blooms with red star shaped centers & " Crimson Rambler" ; Crimson red blooms with white centers & throats. And just because it sounded cool I picked up a Mina Lobata "Jungle Queen". It is described as "a member of the morning glory family. Flowers emerge orange-red and fade through yellow to white". So, besides my necessary ceramic pot, I took home 5 more cool plants. Has something jumped into your cart this Spring?


  1. I like going to farmers' markets too, what I cna't grow in my garden I try to buy locally. Stopping by from Tuesday Garden party, I'll be anxious to see how your tomatoes look in a few weeks, mine just started to bloom this week. Happy Gardening!

  2. Hi, fellow Oregonian (and Lane Countian!), welcome to the Tuesday Garden Party! I couldn't tell if this was the post you linked up, but I relate to buying too many plants. I also related to your rain post- I am DONE with it, SICK of it--it cannot leave early enough for me. :-)

  3. We are trying Patty Pan's this year too. What a strange coincidence. Q's are already about 6" tall.


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