Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Farmer's Market - A Brand New Year

Today was the opening day for the 2010 Lane County Farmers Market. Thankfully, the stormy weather that we have had the last week blew out last night, leaving just a few showers today. I arrived at the market later than usual and found it busy, despite the grey skies and cold wind.
The flower vendors seemed to be doing an especially brisk business. I think many of the bouquets bought are destined for an Easter table tomorrow.The tulips were beautiful.
I especially admired this variety of tulip. It was a mauve colored, tipped in yellow.
Many of the farmers supplement their incomes by selling vegetable starts early in the year. It is so hard to resist buying them right now. I had to smile at all the folks who had purchased tomato plants. We still have a good 5 weeks until the last frost date and the soil won't truly start to warm-up until the end of May.
It is time however to get the sweet-peas going. These were beautiful looking starts.
And we can't forget the produce! It was only the first week but there was a great array of greens, leaks, radish, and baby carrots to be had.  And kudos to all the farmers that had to pick all of this in yesterday's rain, thunder, hail and sleet. Have you thanked your farmer today?

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