Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dark Days Challenge - Week #10

For this weeks challenge, I looked at what was left of my summer harvest and what was available at the Farmer's Market. Soup seemed to be the answer. From my harvest, "Delicata" Squash are still filling the garage - well not quite. But perhaps next year a few less "Delicata" and a few more plants of another variety. My newly discovered Winter Farmer's Market still had a nice selection of potatoes and many beautiful leeks. Now all I needed was a recipe. There are probably as many Potato & Leek Soup recipes as there are cooks. But I wanted something special. After a search on google I discovered the site Pinch My Salt and read Nicole's recipe. Besides sounding delicious I loved the story attached to it. Recipes connected to loved ones always taste better. My only addition was to throw in one Delicata" with the potatoes. It nicely blended in with the potatoes, added some important nutriants, and got rid of one more squash from the garage! Here is the link to Nicole's recipe.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting little addition to your leek and potato soup.

    Since you are using homegrown ingredients, would you like to enter this post in our Grow Your Own roundup this month? Full Details at


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