Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Garden Update

Thought it was time for a garden update. Today I will start with the vegetable bed at the house. It has just gone crazy the last 3 weeks. As soon as the temperatures finally started consistently hitting 85+ degrees everyday, the growth has been amazing to watch. It was only 4th of July weekend that I added the second tier on my tomatoes. Now I have two plants have grown taller then the second tier. The squash are crawling like crazy, though I haven't yet found any set squash. So far the open male flowers and the open female flowers with immature squash haven't timed together. The "Good Mother Stallard" beans are beginning to bloom. They have a very pretty pure white flower. I am hoping this weeks heat isn't too much for them. The sunflowers have also developed their primary top bloom, though "Gloriosa Polyheaded" are branching and will have multiple blooms. I am disappointed at their height. The packaged said 6-10 feet tall, but mine will be lucky to reach 5 feet. They just never could get ahead of the tomato plants.

" Gloriosa Polyheaded" Sunflower bud, beginning to show color.

"Good Mother Stallard" pole bean blossom.

Immature truss of "Sweet Million" Cherry tomatoes.

A female bloom on a "Buttercup" Winter Squash plant.

1 comment:

  1. The truss of tomatoes is beautiful as is the Buttercup bloom.


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