Saturday, July 11, 2009

Corvallis & Kami

Today I got up early ( for me on a Saturday!) and my sister and I drove up to Corvallis. It has literally been years since I have been there and it was great to see all the positive changes in the town. The purpose of our trip was two-fold. Beth wanted to attend the once-a-year blow out sale at one of her favorite cross-stitch stores, Friendship Crossing. I had been wanting to visit to check out Corvallis' Farmers Market. I also wanted to try to combine our trip with a visit with an old friend. Happily we got to do everything! While Beth shopped till she dropped, I met Kami and we went two doors down to the New Morning Bakery, where we had a great breakfast and did some much needed catching up. After an hour or so, Beth joined us and we headed down to the Farmers Market.

Corvallis has a beautiful Farmer's Market. It is located down next to the Willamette River, on First street. The street is blocked off for the morning and the vendors are set-up on both sides of the street. It makes for an open, uncrowded feeling, even when it is quite busy. I was surprised by the number of vendors. They have every bit as many vendors as Eugene does, possible even a few more. We ended up making purchases at Willamette Valley Cheese Company, Denison Farm, Alpine Sourdough Bakery, and from a fisherman out of Newport.

The Fruit and Vegetables were abundant. Cherries were everywhere and tomatoes are really starting to come in to season.

I also enjoyed all the dogs at the Market. It was alot like being in Paris. It seemed like everyone who came to shop brought their dog. I really fell for a Burnese Moutain Dog female puppy who was being good as gold as her owner waited in line to make a purchase.

Thanks Kami for being our tour guide. It was wonderful to see you and to do some much needed catching-up!

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