Monday, July 31, 2017
Chesnok Red Garlic Harvest
Not too much to report in the harvest department this week. I did harvest my "Chesnok Red" garlic plants this past week. I was worried about the bulb size becasue they looked so much smaller than the "Music" bulbs did when they were lifted. Well they are a lot smaller, but I think they are more "normal" garlic sized. My average bulb size was 2.6 oz. The smallest bulb was 1.8 oz and the largest came in at 3.4 oz. My total "Chesnok Red" this year was 2 lbs. 4.0 oz.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Green Patty Pan Squash
Yesterday I had the first male and female blossom open on the "Green Patty Pan" Summer Squash plant that I purchased at the Farmer's Market. The blooms opened while I was gone all day at work, so I can only hope that an industrious bee found its way to the plant and did a little pollination for me. I have been slowly gathering recipe ideas from the internet for patty pan squash, so I am hoping for a good harvest that will allow me to try a variety of new kitchen ideas.
Monday, July 24, 2017
Music Garlic Harvest and the Last of the Sweet Peas
Yesterday I processed the "Music" garlic that I harvested back on Wednesday. Normally I like to have them cure for a week before I clean the bulbs and store them, but I am leaving on vacation soon and am in a bit of a time crunch.
I am so pleased with this harvest. This is my second year growing this variety. I first purchased my stock at the Common Ground Fair in Maine, in September of 2015. So this is my second year with "Music" and it really performed well. Pictured above, my biggest bulb weighing in at 7.5 oz.
I ended up harvested 17 bulbs. The average bulb size was 6.2 oz. The largest bulb was 7.5 oz. and the smallest came in at a healthy 5.0 oz. My total "Music" harvest for 2017 was 6 lbs. 9.8 oz. In comparison, the 2016 harvest was also 17 bulbs. But the average bulb size was 4.8 oz. and the total harvest was 5 lbs. 1.0 oz.
After cleaning the "Music" bulbs, I dug up my "Chesnook Red" garlic. I am not happy with this variety this year. I know that "Music" produces larger bulbs, but the "Chesnook Red" bulbs look really small. I will wait to process and weight them, but I think it might be time to order some new stock to plant this Fall.
"Wiltshire Ripple"
I also cut what are probably the last 2 sweet pea bouquets of the year. After a cooler May, a wet and cool June, and a cooler July, Summer decided to show up. These 90 degree days the last few days have taken a toll on the 2 sweet pea towers. But what a year they had. They absolutely thrived in the cooler weather. The "Wiltshire Ripple" produced more blooms than any sweet pea variety that I have ever grown. And the Royal Family" Mix did well too, after a tough start becasue of rabbit damage. Until next year.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
First Tiny Titus Cannellini Beans
The "Titus" Cannellini bush beans down in the Big Garden began to bloom about a week ago. Soon the snow white blossoms began to drop and tiny, immature beans were revealed. It's hard to tell at this point what kind of harvest its going to be this year, as the plants have really just begun blooming. But the plants look healthy and are continuing to produce new, leafy growth so I am optimistic about the a nice long spell of bean production.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Golden Celebration Rose
Our "Golden Celebration" rose opened its first blooms this weekend. It was the last of the 5 new roses that we planted this Spring to bloom. Since we didn't expect any of the roses to bloom this first year, these displays, although small, have been a real bonus.
This award wining variety from David Austin, released in 1992, has lovely golden-yellow blooms. They don't appear to be as cupped in shape with this first flush as they were described in the catalog. But that might change as the plant matures. They do have a very soft, floral scent. It will be fun to watch as this plant grows to reach its final 4.5' by 4.5' size.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Rose Birthday Girl
The first bloom opened this past weekend on the "Birthday Girl" floribunda rose. This rose is one of the 5 new roses that we purchased this Spring for one of our new flowerbeds. "Birthday Girl" has semi-double flowers with cream centers and pink and yellow edges. It is a repeat bloomer throughout the Summer and Fall. It should be a knock-out bush after it matures in a few year and gets covered in these vivid blooms.